The game is full of very nice small touches and some good ideas in general and deserves a praise for that. As I progressed through the Campaign, I was very surprised I didn't have to farm and I could solo everything, which is often not the case. The game offers some story, which suffers from extremely poor voice acting and silly dialogues, but at least there's something. The menus and controls are very console friendly, although they have have their issues as well. The combat doesn't feel as cheap and number oriented thanks to evading. Skyforge was a surprising exception for me. I admit I don't have much experience with MMORPGs because I don't like the way they play and look. Unfortunately, a class can’t be tried before it’s purchased, so uninformed players won’t know exactly what they’re buying until they’ve already purchased it.When you start playing Skyforge, the game feels and plays amazing. Necromancer, Witch, and Monk have not yet come to PS4. As you can see from the Collector’s Pack, upon purchase players will get two more classes unlocked… classes that are free to unlock on the PC game.Īdditionally, there are 3 more classes available on PC than PS4. This is a huge change from the PC version, where all classes are free but need to be unlocked through the Campaign first. If you want to play the full 11, you must pay 3 million credits per additional character.

You can switch classes, but there are only three free choices to switch to and from. In the game, there is no fixed class system.

Premium Rank - Level progression of benefits.Doubles Credit and Knowledge of Enemies rewards.