For HT, I took a bit of a liberty since the original 0.3 multiplier doesn't really correspond to anything.

For DT, I intended to make the multiplier for 1.5x speed as close to 1.12 as possible, and it now sits at 1.1x.Fix SampleStore in DrawableRulesetDependencies not being disposed ( #23146 by Update veldrid package ( ppy/osu-framework#5741 by Update framework and resources ( #23222 by Fix legacy OpenGL initialising texture mipmap levels with invalid dimensions ( ppy/osu-framework#5750 by Add multi-stage ShaderManager caching ( ppy/osu-framework#5749 by Update veldrid-spirv native library with lower iOS deployment target ( ppy/osu-framework#5751 by Apply framework changes to custom ShaderManager ( #23228 by Ensure replays don't enter a failed state when exiting gameplay ( #22878 by Fix crash on attempting to load some old beatmaps which specify background images incorrectly ( #22858 by Don't show epilepsy warning when storyboards are disabled ( #22868 by Add progressive DT/HT mod multipliers ( #23177 by DT, the multiplier is in the range.Fix saving beatmaps taking far too long due to pointless online metadata lookup ( #23189 by Framework 04.46.08.mp4 Add rotation snapping to editor selection ( #23156 by snapping can now be achieved by holding shif while adjusting rotation of a selection. Add hit object inspector to editor ( #23133 by did this initially to debug an issue, but it's something that will probably be useful to mappers as well so polished it a bit for permanent inclusion. But users are used to instead using hit sample hotkeys to choose which type of object is placed, so we've reverted back to that method (and made right-click do nothing special for now). What's Changed Editor Remove left/right click based placement in taiko editor and respect sample selection ( #23112 by right click would place a "kat".